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All About Hemp Oil

Hemp oil comes from the hemp seed and it has been traditionally used in lubricants, paint, ink manufacture, fuel, and plastic products. It is also used in the production of skincare products, natural soaps, shampoos, and detergents.

In recent years, hemp seed oil has been recognized as nature's most balanced oil for human nutrition with the perfect three to one Omega three to Omega six ratio required by the human body. It is rapidly absorbed and easily digested.

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To obtain hemp oil for use as a food, hemp seeds are cold-pressed in an oxygen-free environment. It should then be bottled in a light-proof container, flushed with nitrogen, and refrigerated to protect the delicate oils from oxidization. This will ensure that your oil is as fresh as can possibly be.

Hemp Oil has the amazing properties listed below:

  • Is one of the lowest in saturated fats, only eight percent of total oil volume.
  • Has the highest level of Essential Fatty Acids of any plant.
  • Contains Gamma Linolenic acid, a rare oil that is highly beneficial for human growth and development.
  • Is best taken internally but you may also obtain the benefits from hemp seed oil by using it on your skin.
  • Has anti aging properties and can be used with other oils, such as sweet almond and jojoba oils, to make excellent massage oil.