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Considerations When Choosing Virtualized Cloud Solutions

In essence, the cloud is just a network of computers and servers that run applications and store data and information so that all workforce can work and collaborate remotely. 

One of the main benefits of public cloud platforms is that applications assisted by public cloud metrics are usually free or Inexpensive due to the widespread use of server Solutions for your business

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In addition, since all of these servers are connected to the network, it is possible to remotely connect to the Internet from any computer or device, regardless of the specifications on which only the Internet uses.

Public cloud

Public cloud means network servers. The installed programs and repositories are usually publicly available on the network. 

This means that the number of access and mobility that can be improved will be very large.

Private cloud

The difference with a private solution in the cloud is that it is protected behind the company's own firewall to overcome security difficulties. There shouldn't be a network of physical servers: Datacenter providers include a private external cloud that is extremely securely hosted.

Advantages of private clouds: In addition to flexibility and increased security, private clouds allow companies to move.

Instead of having to buy all of your infrastructures outright – not enough overhead – private cloud companies can only pay for the server functionality they have. This makes the private cloud highly scalable and very efficient.