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How to Clean Your Scalp Properly?

There are a few things you can do to clean your scalp and make it look more prominent. Make sure to use a mild shampoo that won't irritate your skin or scalp. If using a conditioner, be sure to choose one with natural ingredients like coconut oil or jojoba oil.

Finally, use sunscreen every day, even if you're not going outside, to help protect your scalp from the sun's harmful rays. For more information about hair restoration, contact the professionals at The Hair Fuel. 

How to Deal with Hair Loss from Chemotherapy. 

If you're dealing with hair loss from chemotherapy, there are some things you can do that might help your hair grow back faster. Consider using a product like Rogaine (generic) or Propecia (generic). This will help raise blood flow to the scalp and promote regrowth of the hair follicles. For truly fast results, consider taking Rogaine or Propecia on a daily basis for as long as necessary to see results.

How to Avoid Thinning Hair and Prevent Hair Loss. 

There are things you can do to prevent or slow down thinning hair and losing your locks prematurely. One of these is avoiding sharp cuts when you're trimming your hair. This can cause your hair follicles to be traumatized and damaged, which could lead to excessive hair loss. Style your hair just right for your head shape to help prevent thinning and the potential of losing some of your locks. 

Also avoid using those high-heat styling devices like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons that might damage the hair follicles. If you still want to use these products on a regular basis, do not use them on wet or damp hair. Instead, use them after showering or when the hair is completely dry and not frizzy at all.