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Identifying Early Signs Of Dyslexia In Children

Dyslexia can affect a person’s reading, writing, and spelling but it can also affect other areas such as working memory, sequencing, orientation, time management, and much more. 

The severity levels differ from each individual, so not everyone with the condition will experience the same symptoms, so it’s important to understand what to look out for, especially if you are a teacher or parent. If your child is Surviving High School with Dyslexia then it would be highly recommended to get some parental tips for curing dyslexia from various sources.

Early Signs of Dyslexia

Dyslexia becomes more apparent in children once they reach school, however it can be possible to detect signs in preschool children. Symptoms can include:

  • Problems with speech, such as not being able to pronounce longer words and getting words mixed up

  • Unable to express themselves, either having difficulty articulating sentences or remembering words.

  • They may find rhyming difficult and have little interest in the alphabet

You may also detect a delay in their speech development for their age group, however, it’s important to point out this can also be linked with problems other than dyslexia.

Signs of Dyslexia in School Children

When children reach school age, this is when symptoms become more present, as they are encouraged to read, write and spell on a daily basis. It’s important to look out for the following:

  • Poor and inconsistent spelling, such as adding and omitting letters

  • Difficulty reading aloud and regularly making errors

  • Poor handwriting

  • Struggling to carry out directions

  • Having trouble learning sequences such as the months of the year

  • Poor phonological awareness

  • Slow writing speed