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Introduction To Cloud Pentesting

Enterprises are rapidly migrating from on-premises and hosted data center infrastructure to hybrid architectures that include cloud-hosted infrastructure as a service (IaaS). What is the reason for that? Using the cloud offers several advantages:

  • Access to data is possible at any time and from any location. You can also Request A Demo from the company to get pentesting cloud services.

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  • Improved security

  • Reduced costs in CAPEX compared to OPEX costs and serverless PAYG calculations (elasticity)

  • Scalability and flexibility so businesses can respond

  • Glass for control and supervision

Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform are the top three cloud service providers at the time of writing, with a combined market share of over 60%.

With the rapid emergence of cloud computing, organizations increasingly need people who can manage, protect, and audit the security of this new type of infrastructure. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Information Security Professional Outlook Handbook, released September 2021, cybersecurity careers, in general, are one of the fastest-growing career branches, with cloud security roles in particular demand.

Dangerous migration?

Not preparing is preparing for failure. This is especially true for cloud migrations. It seems easy to "lift and move" existing services to a new infrastructure, but it requires careful preparation from many angles, including security. 

Some of the most common cloud security errors are listed below.

  • Standard account with excessive privileges

  • Lack of visibility

  • Fake configuration exposing sensitive data