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How to deal with foot corns and calluses?

Corns and calluses are regions of thickened skin which develop to protect that spot from stress and irritation. They could develop when something like footwear puts pressure on the foot repeatedly or results in excessive pressure against an area of the foot. It is called a callus commonly if the thickening of skin happens on the bottom of the foot. If thickening happens on the top of the feet or toe it is usually referred to as a corn. However, there is quite a lot of overlap between a corn and a callus. They're not infectious but can grow to be painful should they become too thick. In people with diabetes this may lead to more severe foot problems, so they really must be given serious attention.

Corns commonly happen where a toe rubs on inside of a shoe or there is a toe deformity. High force on the balls of the foot, which is common in females who frequently wear high heel shoes might cause calluses to develop under the balls of the feet. People that have particular deformities of the foot, for example hammer toes, claw toes, or hallux valgus are susceptible to corns and calluses. Corns and calluses typically have a rough dull looking physical appearance. They could be raised or circular and without correct assessment, they are often not easy to distinguish from plantar warts. If you have a corn or callus which is creating discomfort and pain or interfering with your day to day activities then it is perhaps a good idea to visit a podiatrist. This is certainly a lot more vital for those who have diabetes or poor blood circulation. The podiatrist should conduct a thorough examination of the feet along with your footwear and look at the way you walk to find out the reason why you have the corns and callus. For moderate corns or calluses they could propose switching your footwear and make use of padding in your shoes. If they are larger, then the podiatrist may minimize them with a surgical blade to carefully and skilfully shave away the thickened skin. Additional treatments may be required if the corn or callus happen again.