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Tips for Construction Project Management

A really good project manager can manage most if not all construction projects fairly easily. That being said sometimes even the best project manager may need to be reminded about the best practices for running projects smoothly every now and then. 

Plan success

This point sounds very clear but the reality is that the majority of construction projects fail because their project managers do not have a clear plan to complete work. There are many Construction management software are available in the market you can take membership easily.

To succeed, you need to take four very important steps:

  • Outline clear goals
  • Make a list of all the milestones you need to meet to achieve your goals
  • Publish a clear schedule
  • Make a list of daily things to do and mark the items completed
  • Pareto principle

Also known as the 80/20 rule, the Pareto Principle is one of the most important keystones. The principal talks about 20% of the work required to yield an 80% result. To achieve this, the project manager needs to know exactly the core milestone that needs to be resolved to complete 80% of the work.

The construction project manager needs to have a meaningful meeting to provide valuable information that plays a role in pushing forward projects. There is no point of drawn out meetings except that it wastes valuable time and accomplishes very little. The meeting should not feel like work, more precisely meetings such as the project as a whole need to work for the team.