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How To Choose The Professional Gutter Protection Installation

Homeowners have a choice of different gutter protection systems. Many companies sell security systems included in the price of their products to install. 

Some companies will supply materials and parts and request installation as part of the purchase price, while others will sell you materials and parts but ask the homeowner to use a licensed contractor or the warranty will be void. You can also look for the professional gutter protection system installation service via the web.

Why Install Gutter Guards

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In addition, other companies only sell gutter protection systems and spare parts.

With professional installation, many companies will clean and perform minor gutter repairs as part of the installation. More serious repairs may result in additional costs.

With gutter guards, you don't have to climb stairs and risk falling stairs or other injury when cleaning or trying to install the gutter cover yourself.

Sewer protection systems require a different installation method. The installation process may include attaching hinge clips to the gutter cover, attaching the cover to the gutter, and attaching the protective sheet under the shingles. 

Whichever system you choose, protecting your gutters will help prevent damage to the exterior and foundation of your home that overflow gutters can cause.

One such product is a foam-like material that folds into a gutter but leaves an open drain at the back. We have had reports from customers seeking advice that what was left of the roof pushed material into the gutter, causing the gutter protection system to collapse in the open area of the gutter.