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Effective Ways to Slow Down Climate Change

Global climate change is in “grave danger” to humanity’s future and the natural world. However, potential solutions have focused largely on increasing energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy sources. 

Experts say that the urgency of the crisis requires that other options be prioritized. Improving access and effectiveness of contraception is one policy that has been mostly ignored by the international community. You can navigate to to learn how climate  change and birth control is interlinked.

natural causes of climate change

They argue that its inclusion in the discussion about the best way to stop climate change is crucial for three reasons. They are:

  • Climate change is driven by population growth. 

The planet will be home to almost 11 billion people by 2100, which is 3 billion more than it is today. They point out that global warming will become a more difficult problem in the future because of rising greenhouse gas emissions.

A greater use of contraception can reduce unplanned pregnancies, which in turn contributes to the growth of the population. Many more people would choose contraception if it was available and accepted.

  • Don’t use effective contraception

more than half in certain countries, are at risk of pregnancy if they don’t use effective contraception. Poor women face obvious barriers due to lack of access and high costs of contraceptives. The authors also mention myths about hormones and traditional societal norms. They also point out that disapproval of husbands and dissatisfaction regarding available methods can create obstacles.

  • Poor women education

Most of the women are illiterate hence we can see the growth of population. Culturally sensitive media campaigns, investments in men’s and women’s educations, employment opportunities, and political enfranchisement can all help to change women’s expectations about their role in society, and their ability to exercise reproductive rights.

A greater distribution of contraceptives on the market by increasing investment in voluntary, but underfunded family planning programs is sufficient to increase contraceptive use substantially. This would in turn have a profound positive effect on the human welfare, climate, and environment.