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PFAS Drinking Water: What You Need To Know About It

PFAS are a group of chemicals that are used in a variety of applications, including manufacturing and firefighting. They are often found in water supplies near military bases and other sites where they may be discharged. 

PFAS can be harmful if ingested or if they come into contact with the skin. They can also cause cancer, liver damage, and developmental problems in children. You may also hop over to to find out more about PFAS drinking water.

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Why is PFAS in the Drinking Water?

PFASs are molecules that are often used in manufacturing and in other industrial processes. These compounds have been found in many types of products, including food packaging, clothing, furniture, and other products. PFASs can also be found in the environment.

The chemicals can end up in drinking water when they are released from products or from the environment. PFASs can be harmful if they are ingested. They can also contaminate water supplies when they are released into the environment.

There is growing concern about the health effects of PFASs. Studies have shown that these chemicals may be harmful to humans. They can cause problems with your immune system and your nervous system. They can also increase your risk of cancer.

If you live near a water source that has high levels of PFASs, you should drink bottled water instead of using the water for drinking or cooking. You should also avoid using tap water if you can.

If you cannot avoid using tap water, you should use filter pitchers to get the most out of your water quality. You should also make sure to flush your plumbing systems and dishwashers regularly to remove any traces of these chemicals.

All About The PFAS in Drinking Water

How does PFAS get into drinking water?

PFAS enter drinking water when they migrate from soil to groundwater or surface. PFAS is water-soluble and is usually found in water near facilities that produce or use PFAS and products containing PFAS. Also, many contaminated areas are near facilities that use PFAS fire fighting foam for training, such as B. military bases, airports, and firefighter training centers. 

Finally, PFAS may enter the water when products containing PFAS are disposed of in landfills. When the product decomposes, PFAS is retained in the soil and flows to nearby water sources.

70 parts per trillion (ppt) is the maximum safe level of PFAS in drinking water, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 70 parts per trillion is the health guidelines set by the EPA. While inaccurate, the health council aims to educate public health officials and government agencies and provide people with protection from PFAS exposure through drinking water.

How Do PFAS Affect Drinking Water? Envirotech Online

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What are the health effects of PFAS?

The health effects of PFAS vary, but include reproductive, developmental, and immunological problems. Since PFAS is not easily degraded and can accumulate excessively in the human body, the greater the exposure to humans, the greater the chance of adverse health effects. The EPA cites evidence linking PFAS exposure to:

  •   High cholesterol levels
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Thyroid hormone disorders
  • Damage to the liver and kidneys
  • Low birth weight
  • Crab

How do you know if your water is dirty?

You can find out if your water is contaminated by requesting a city water quality report or by testing your water. Municipal water suppliers frequently check the water supply and are legally required to hand it over to you if you request it.