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Breasts Lifts Are Trending Up

Recently, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons announced a new statistic on plastic surgery that shows breast lifts (also known as mastopexy) have increased in popularity among women in the past decade.

The number of breast augmentations performed by plastic surgery has increased 70% since 2000. Breast implant surgery (breast enhancement) is still more popular than mastopexies 2:1.

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What are the main reasons for breast augmentations?

1. Saggy breasts

2. Excess breast skin

3. Mild breast atrophy, or volume loss

Mastopexy is a procedure that can be performed on women who have had children, suffered weight fluctuations, or are born with ptotic breasts. The shape and position of the breasts take is also affected by gravity and aging.

Who is a good candidate to have breast-lift surgery?

Ideal candidates for this surgery are patients who don't want to increase the breast size with implants but still have enough breast tissue for a lift.

What is the procedure?

Most mastopexies can be performed with the patient completely asleep under general anesthesia. Patients who require only a minor lift may be able to have surgery while they are awake. This is done by injecting a local anesthetic around the breasts.

Incisions will be made around the breasts and around the lower parts of the breasts. This will leave visible scarring. The amount of lift required and the extent of skin to be removed for a better breast shape will affect the time taken to complete the surgery.