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Life Saving News About Prostrate Cancer

Do you have a family history of cancer? Are you concerned with the genetic link after a recent family member passed? If the answer is yes you must read this article regarding green tea and prostate cancer. It could save your life!

The Science!

In laboratory studies, scientists have deduced that the polyphenols (antioxidants) found in green tea, help to create cell death in cancerous cells during normal cell division. To get more details about prostrate supplements you may check it here.

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But it leaves normal cells alone. Now, most scientists speculate that this was due to the antioxidants. What they didn't realize was just how strong a punch they packed. Findings show the antioxidants found in this brew are an amazing 120% stronger than vitamin C.

As research continued, it was also discovered that the anti-cancer properties are also related to how this herb affects angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the body's ability to create red blood vessels and this green plant inhibits that ability.

Cancerous cells are constantly multiplying, and with that comes a need for blood that contains oxygen and nutrients. With this inability to create new vessels, it is effectively prevented from eating and starves!

What About the Prostate Variety?

We have talked about polyphenols as being antioxidants. The specific polyphenol we find in these leaves is epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC).

Studies have revealed that ECGC inhibits the replication of prostrate-specific-antigen (PSA), which is the marker that will indicate whether you are at risk. In addition, ECGC not only inhibits this marker, but it also decreased PSA activities, which could lead to disease.