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How To Choose The Right Rooftop Equipment Supports?

A Rooftop Equipment Support (RES) is a device that is used to support and stabilize rooftop mechanical equipment. This type of equipment is typically installed on commercial and industrial buildings and can include items such as air conditioners, ventilation systems, and other types of mechanical equipment. 

RESs are designed to provide a stable platform for this type of equipment and to resist wind loads and seismic activity. They are typically made from steel or aluminum and can be either freestanding or attached to the building structure.

Types of rooftop tools supports are:

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There are several types of rooftop equipment supports available on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular types of support:

1. Pipe supports: Pipe supports are a popular choice for many types of rooftop equipment, as they offer a versatile and affordable solution. Pipe supports can be used to support both small and large pieces of equipment, and can be customized to fit the specific needs of your installation.

2. Mechanical supports: Mechanical supports are another popular option for rooftop equipment, as they offer a more robust and durable solution. Mechanical supports are typically made from steel or aluminum and can be custom-designed to meet the specific needs of your installation.

3. Structural supports: Structural supports are a good choice for larger pieces of equipment, or for installations that require a more permanent solution. Structural supports are typically made from concrete or steel and can be custom-designed to meet the specific needs of your installation.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right rooftop equipment supports. The most important factor is the weight of the equipment. The support must be able to hold the weight of the equipment and the people who will be using it. Another important factor is the height of the equipment. The supports must be tall enough to allow the equipment to be used at its full height. Additionally, the supports must be able to withstand wind and snow loads.