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All About Online Mortgage Advice

To understand online mortgage tips, it is important to understand the types of mortgages. With a simple mortgage, the mortgagee agrees to personally pay the mortgage amount.

It should be noted that the words "caused the sale of the mortgaged goods" mean that the mortgagee must seek legal interference in the sale of the mortgaged goods. You can also get the best mortgage advice through the web.

Mortgage Advice

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Since the ownership of the property remains with the mortgage lender, such mortgages are referred to as non-possessory. The mortgagee makes a personal payment obligation, otherwise, the mortgagee has two choices.

Then there are mortgages through conditional sales. With this form of mortgage, it is as if the mortgagee is selling the mortgaged property under certain conditions. 

First, if the mortgagee doesn't pay the mortgage money by a certain date, the sale becomes absolute. Second, the sale is void if the mortgagee pays the principal on the mortgage and, finally, the buyer transfers the property to the seller if the mortgage principal is paid at a certain time.

From the above conditions, it can be seen that all conditions assume the same thing, ie. in the case of non-payment of the mortgage, the mortgaged goods are treated as having been sold to the acquirer. However, these conditions must be written into the mortgage deed.