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How Do You Know If You Need To Buy A Road Or Mountain Bike?

Buy a road bike or a mountain bike depends on what makes you comfortable and what you think you will do the most. Because of their training, my first bicycle was an e-mountain bike. Today, however, I am an avid roadie and I see how long I will remain a roadie.

How Do You Know If You Need To Buy A Road Or Mountain Bike?

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My experience with mountain biking was very similar to my first skis with my friends in college. Everyone enjoyed it and wanted me to try it. They did their best to explain how to ski and even took me to a rabbit trail to practice. Well, it didn't take long and we immediately took the elevator to the top of the mountain.

It's no fun embarrassing my friends, but there are enough good things about skiing that I want to come back just not with my friends.

My experience with mountain biking is not much different from that on this ski trip. My friends at work are tough mountain bikers as I said and I am a competitive person, so I do my best to keep going. My driving routine includes heavy use of antiseptics and lots of bandages.

There have been times when I went alone and managed to find my way around the trail without getting dressed regularly after the trip.

But without friendship, mountain biking is not the same. They say that once you learn to ride a bike, you'll never forget it, but I soon realized that my middle-aged teenage motor skills were powerless on most of the one-track tracks at the foot of Auburn, California.