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The Best Baby Massage Oil? Reach For The Sunflower

With the number of parents who are becoming aware of that benefits from massage for babies. It's a great question and a crucial one also. Parents are opting to steer clear from the traditional baby lotions and instead use organic baby oils made from plants like that organic sunflower oil that you employ in your massage classes for babies.

So , what are other alternatives for baby oil similar to Johnson's?

In simple terms it's a matter of mineral vs vegetable. Baby oils are gone and natural, plant-based oils are on the rise.  You can find affordable organic sunflower oil  via

 organic sunflower oil

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You make use of organic sunflower oil for your massage classes for babies. Why? Because plant-based oils perform differently from petroleum-based baby oil and they are more in line with the natural development of baby skin.

After the first month does it not make more sense to encourage this natural process instead of covering it all by something synthetic?

Sunflower oil is particularly rich in significant amounts of linoleic acids that replenishes skin's protective barrier from inside. It's also superior to olive oil which happens to be rich in oleic acids and can dry out some layers of the baby's skin.

The oils of almond, coconut and sesame oils are perfect for baby massage. Be sure to ensure that the oil that you're using is completely organic and is free of artificial fragrances or mineral additives.