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How To Put Winter Pool Covers Right

Sturdy tablecloth for the winter pool is undoubtedly the most popular type today. They do a wonderful job of closing pools in cold weather and slowing down algae growth as the weather warms up before opening the pond.

Unfortunately, improper installation will break several covers before they need to be replaced.

Improper installation is often the cause. As soon as your pool is emptied the correct amount, the pipes are removed, the antifreeze and winter additives will close immediately.

The correct method for adding a cover is very similar to whether your pool is above ground or indoors. You can also buy winter pool covers in Canada.

Place the lid on the surface of the pool, making sure the overlapping material is surrounded. Then adjust the hardware for the settings.

For indoor pools, attach a water bag or aqua block through a string sewn into the lid.

The next step is to make a cover around the edge of the pool. The concept is to have a roofline other than the pool water to support and hold the sides so that the wind does not get down.

Once the cap is in place, remove the garden hose and spray about an inch of water over the cover. This saves the lid.

You're almost done now. For above-ground pools, pull the cables as tight as possible and locate the cables under the top fences.