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Why Pink Himalayan Salt is Not Your Regular Table Salt?

Himalayan pink salt crystal is known to be among the most expensive natural ingredients on earth. It is so expensive, in fact, that only the richest people can afford it. Pink Himalayan salt crystal is so expensive because it is unique. It was mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains by Indian mountaineering teams who were looking for a method to remove excess carbon dioxide from the air. When they mined the salt deposits, they found that it had several characteristics of natural salt found in arid areas around the world, including sodium chloride.

Himalayan salt is volcanic rock salt mined in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It has a pinkish hue because of mineral impurities and is commonly used as a cooking ingredient, for spicing up meals, or as a beauty treatment for the skin and hair. But it's most famous use is in curing an array of ailments, including cardiovascular problems, and memory loss, and brain function issues. Pink Himalayan salt not only has trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, and boron, but it also has trace amounts of selenium, zinc, iron, and phosphorus.

There are four different kinds of minerals found in salt sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, and phosphorus. Most people have heard of table salt being used to substitute regular table salt. That is the most common use for Himalayan salt, although it may also be used as an alternative for dietary purposes. Himalayan crystal salt does not contain any additives, such as iodine or baking soda. It is pure salt and will not re-grow nor add to your daily sodium intake.

Unlike regular table salt, which contains up to 95% of the minerals, Himalayan crystal salt has very few trace minerals. In fact, it contains one percent of the total mineral content of the soil where it is mined. Because of its very small amount of minerals, it is actually more depleted of nutrients than regular table salt. But don't let this fool you into thinking that it will harm you or cause any health problems, it is safe to eat. It just has fewer vitamins and minerals.

One of the reasons that Himalayan pink salt contains so few minerals is because it was formed deep underground, in places where no one lives. It was formed when the earth started to cool, and the pressure created great fractures in the rocks that blanket the surface of the planet. The salt was sealed away in these cracks, and now it is rare and precious to find. Because of the lack of iodine deficiency, this salt has been linked to the formation of thyroid dysfunction in humans, and its use as a dietary supplement to combat iodine deficiency was once recommended for children with thyroid problems.

Another reason why pink Himalayan salt contains so few trace minerals is that it is produced from volcanic activity. Because it is made from basaltic magma, this kind of volcanic ash does not contain very many minerals at most, it contains sodium chloride. When scientists examined the average amount of minerals contained in volcanic ash samples, they found that it varied considerably, with the highest amounts being found in samples that were nearest the Earth's crust. This makes sense, because the Earth's crust is continually being reshaped due to plate movements, and the movement of lava can sometimes carry several minerals with it.

Himalayan crystal salt also contains a type of iron that is very important for proper blood circulation. However, the amount of iron is far too small to be absorbed through our bodies, so we must get it through our food. Unfortunately, trace elements like this are more present in junk foods than in healthy, whole foods. Even when you buy table salt from a name brand company, chances are that much of its sodium chloride is from other ingredients. Companies add trace minerals because they cost more money, but they do not add them in large enough doses to provide any real benefit.

Regular table salt is rarely pink Himalayan salt because it is almost devoid of any trace minerals. This is why it is often used as an alternative. It is cheaper to use, does not require a great deal of effort to prepare, and can actually help people lose weight. In addition to being cheap, regular table salt often contains preservatives, which means that it may help cause cancer. A better alternative to avoid chemicals and additives is to opt for this natural alternative.