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Scoliosis Clinic: The Focus on Non-Surgical Treatment And Management

One of the most important things to consider when you have scoliosis is how you are going to manage it. There are many treatments and therapies for this condition, with many patients choosing to go through non-surgical treatments. Learn more about the process of non-surgery in this article!

Disease Overview

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that can cause pain and disability. Fortunately, there are many non-surgical treatments and management methods available that can help to improve your quality of life. You can navigte this site if you are looking for scoliosis treatment.

If you are concerned about your Scoliosis, you may want to consider seeking out treatment from a scoliosis clinic. A scoliosis clinic is a specialized medical facility that provides comprehensive care for individuals with Scoliosis. At a scoliosis clinic, you will likely be offered a variety of treatments, including:

Non-surgical treatments for Scoliosis include physical therapy, medication therapy, and bracing. Each of these methods has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to discuss these options with your doctor before making a decision.

Physical therapy is a common method used to treat Scoliosis. Physical therapists work with individuals to improve their flexibility and strength in the muscles surrounding the spine. This can help to reduce the amount of curvature in the spine and improve your overall health.

Medication therapy is another common treatment for Scoliosis. Medication therapy helps to reduce the amount of curvature in the spine by reducing the levels of calcium in the body.