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What Are The Benefits Of Metal Roof?

Metal roofing has now become a viable option for all homes, except for those with very flat pitches. Unmatched in longevity, durability, and cost-effectiveness, the metal roof is also gaining popularity for its myriad eco-friendly advantages as well.

Due to all these advantages, many homeowners are choosing to install metal roofing than other types of roof materials. Here are some more advantages of installing a metal roof at your home:

Metal roof is eco-friendly

Metal is the most eco-friendly material for your roof. This can also be installed over your existing one that cuts down on waste and minimizes installation time.

Easy to Install

Metal roofing materials come in larger sections which means that an experienced contractor can install them very quickly, and thus it reduces the work time, effort and minimizes the labor costs.

Extreme Durability

Longevity is one of the chief reasons to choose this. It's also common for a metal roof to last many years or even longer with proper maintenance. It is also the ideal choice for areas with heavy snowfall.

Fire Resistant

Unsurprisingly, it is very resistant to fire and the final rating is generally only decreases based on the underlying materials.


Metal is a common choice for both new construction and when an aging structure needs to be replaced. You can also install a metal roof over your existing one without tearing off shingles. Make sure to consult a reliable and proficient contractor in your area to find the best possible solution for your needs

How To Cure Rusting of Metal Roofing in Ontario

It is easy and economical to install metal roofs over houses, sheds, barns, warehouses and even commercial buildings. With proper care, galvanized or powder-coated metal rooftop sheets should last a lifetime. However, as we know, moisture combined with oxygen is the worst enemy of iron.

metal roofing

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One solution to preventing such condensation-related problems is to replace the entire roof with plywood or fibreglass sheets. Many have also tried attaching plastic sheeting to the tin roof as a vapour barrier, but it is a cumbersome and ineffective process.

One common method of insulating the roof is to use glass wool in a bag attached to the underside of the metal roof. Humid air penetrating through gaps and cracks can still reach metal and condense causing water to collect and wet the insulation.

This water does not dry out quickly and combining with oxygen in the air corrodes iron sheets quickly. In such cases where roofs have under-decks, the problem is not apparent until a large portion has corroded and water starts to drip in when it rains.

This can be resolved by coating the underside of metal tin roofs. Painting can prevent corrosion but it cannot prevent condensation. Water will still drip. A better way to protect tin sheets, and at the same time prevent condensation is to cover the underside of the roof with foam. This acts as a vapour barrier and also as an insulating material, preventing warm air inside from touching the cold metal surface and thus preventing condensation.

You can get sheets of flexible foam with an open-cell or closed-cell structure and glue them to the underside of the tin roof. However, in a majority of cases, such roofs usually have some form of under-decking that makes this a difficult process. The answer, therefore, is spray foam insulation.

Moisture no longer condenses. You are no longer bothered by the problem of water drips. Your roof and the under deck remain dry, safe and retain their physical integrity for years.