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False Positive Cancer Misdiagnosis Claims

As hard as it may be to believe, on top of medical negligence in the form of cancer misdiagnoses, there are also times when false-positive cancer diagnoses are made.

This means that in addition to the worry of a medical professional missing the presence of cancer, or failing to diagnose it in a timely manner, there are also times that medical professionals diagnose a patient as having cancer when it is not really true.

You can also opt for cancer diagnosis attorney in New Hampshire.

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Giving a patient a false positive diagnosis can cause serious physical, emotional, and even financial consequences. For the most part, false-positive diagnoses typically occur because an improper method was used to implement a test, or the test was not analyzed properly which falls into the category of medical negligence.

Give patients a false-positive diagnosis can lead to serious physical, emotional, and even financial consequences. For the most part, false-positive diagnosis usually occurs because of the inappropriate methods used to carry out tests, or tests were not analyzed properly which fall into the category of medical negligence.

Perhaps the worst part of the problem is that false-positive diagnoses are not altogether uncommon. In fact, it is estimated that as many as forty percents of all initial tests for cancer can be done in error, which would require retest for the right result.