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What are the Responsibilities of a Qualitative Surveyor?

A qualitative surveyor is someone who uses qualitative methods to collect data. Qualitative methods are those that focus on the individual, rather than the quantitative. They can be used in a number of ways, but they all involve getting inside people's heads to understand their thoughts and feelings.

Qualitative surveys are different than quantitative surveys in that you're not trying to measure everything exactly the same way. For example, if you're doing a questionnaire, you might ask people how many times they've used a certain product in the past year. A quantity surveyor at Archi-QS ask people about their thoughts on that product—why they like it or why they don't.

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This type of data can be very helpful when it comes to understanding a customer's opinion. It can also help you figure out what kind of messages are resonating with them and which ones need more work.

A Qualitative Surveyor (QS) is a professional who conducts surveys to gather qualitative data. This information can be used to understand a population or individual in-depth, and can provide valuable insights that would not be possible from other types of data collection.

The responsibilities of a QS vary depending on the type of survey being conducted, but generally include:

-Developing research questions and objectives

-Ensure confidentiality and anonymity of participants

-Recording and documenting data collected

-Presenting findings in a clear and concise manner

-Working with clients to develop follow-up plans