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Tips For Applying Nail Polish

Applying nail polish has become an art form, and mastering the perfect manicure can take some practice. To get the best results, there are some important tips to keep in mind. From prepping your nails to choosing the right brush, here are some tips for applying nail polish like a pro.

Before you begin applying nail polish, you should make sure your nails are properly prepped. Start by washing your hands and pushing back your cuticles. Then, file and shape your nails and buff away any ridges.

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Applying a base coat before your nail polish is essential for preventing staining and helping your manicure last longer. A base coat also helps to even out the surface of your nails and create a smooth base for your nail polish.

The brush you use to apply your nail polish is just as important as the nail polish itself. Look for a brush that is the right width for your nails and has soft, flexible bristles.

The key to a flawless manicure is applying thin, even coats of nail polish. Applying too much nail polish in one coat can cause it to streak or chip more easily. Allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next one.

Applying a top coat after your nail polish is essential for protecting your manicure and giving it a glossy finish. Look for a top coat that is chip-resistant and will help your nail polish last longer.